wonder meals. group show | july 6-27, 2024

In July 2024 we presented a group show that focuses on the art of wonder, with a twist.
In WONDER MEALS, participating artists focused on the art of wonder – "a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable." The inspiration for the show was Wunderkammer. Cabinets of Curiosities, frequently considered the precursors of modern museums, made their debut during the Renaissance to showcase an array of rare, eclectic, and even esoteric artifacts and objects. These cabinets were all about telling wonderful stories about the world one inhabits – its history, peculiarities, and unique attributes.
Artists were challenged to explore what WONDER means. While free to use any medium and style, their piece had to include a recipe, an ingredient list and had to stay within the size boundary of a 11 inch diameter plate. Artists were also asked to specify where their work would fit in relation to the 4 Wunderkammer categories:
Artificialia (e.g. objects created or modified by humans, such as art);
Naturalia (e.g. creatures and natural objects – with a particular interest in monsters);
Exotica (e.g. exotic plants and animals); and
Scientifica (e.g. scientific instruments).